
Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Tugas 3: Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2, Adjective Clause

  1. What Is The Meaning Adjective Clause

Adjective clause is clause that functions as adjektiva . As we all know , adjektiva is the word that nomina . So , adjective clause also functions to the which give the description on nomina . Adjective clause is liabilities clause that modify a word thing . This be possible to combine the two sentences to form one sentence which contains adjective clause.


 Used for a person in the position of a subject .


Used for a person in the position of an object.

It is used for things , either in the position of the subject or object.


Used as subtitusi organisation , whom , or which .


Used for ownership.


Used for time.


Used to cause.

2. For The Example :

The student are going to visit the museum.

They are on the bus.

The student who are on the bus are going to visit the museum.

A couple sentences another can be combined into sentences by using clause in various ways , adjectively . and they all right . Watch various ways in which two sentences foilows can be combined . 

The mosque is old.

My mother was married there.

The Mosque where my mother was married is old.

The Mosque in which my mother was married is old.

The Mosque which my mother was married in is old.

Watch use of a word in and how and where he digunakan.adjective clause begins with relative pronoun or relative an adverb .

The following were example clause adjectively .

Adjective Caluse with relative pronoun

The Girl who is sitting over there is my brother.

The watch which you bought yesterday is very interesting.

Mr. Prio whose son is my friend is presenting a paper in a seminar.

Adjective Caluse with relative adverb

Sumsel is the place where I was born.



3. article

This is an example of how nature was converted into a legend, such as Bandung lake and Mt Tangkuban Perahu with the story of Queen Dayang Sumbi and her son Sangkuriang cited from Neuman va Padang (1971). Once Sangkuriang, whilst growing up, he was so naughty and got hurt and the wound formed an ugly scar.

The King, who loved his son above everything was so furious that his son had hurt himself that he rejected his wife. Fifteen years later, being of age, Sangkuriang asked his father permission to take a trip to West Java. After arriving in the plain of Bandung, he met a beautiful lady, fell in love and ask her to marry him and she accepted. But one day when she caressed her lover’s head she saw the wound. The loving woman, turned out to be the disowned queen, discovered that she was in love with her son and marriage was impossible.

The marriage had to be prevented. Not willing to admit that she was his mother she thought of a way out. The day before the wedding was due to take place, she said to her husband to be, tomorrow is our wedding day, and if you are true to your love to me and love me as much you say do then I want to celebrate the wedding on board a ship, a proa. Tomorrow morning at day break, I want to sail with you on a great lake in a nice boat and there must be a banquet feast. Sangkuriang was embarrassed but he was not willing to refuse. He begged the help of the lake’s helpful spirits. By causing a landslide, the lake spirit dammed the river Citarum that flowed through the plain of Bandung. The force of the water felled big tree and a boat was constructed while other lake spirits prepared the wedding banquet.

Early in the morning the Queen saw that the impossible had been realised so she prayed to Brama, the mighty God, to help her to prevent the disgrace of a marriage between a mother and her son. Brama destroyed the dam in turbulence and Sangkuriang was drowned. The queen in her agony threw herself on the capsized boat, breaking through the hull of the ship and was also drowned.

Now, the vast plain of Bandung is flanked on its north side by the volcano Tangkuban Perahu, the capsized boat. The Queen’s jump on the hull of the ship is the Kawah Ratu, the crater of the Queen. The hot fumaroles and tremors in the crater represent the tears of the sad mother still sobbing. East of Mt Tangkuban Perahu rises the Bukit Tunggul, trunk mountain, the trunk of the tree from which the boat was made and to the west we find Mt Burangrang, the “crown of leaves”. At many places along the shore of the lake Neolithic obsidian tools of primitive inhabitants are found and described by von Koeningswald (1935). These Neolithic people noticed that the hold was cut deeper and deeper by erosion caused by the lowering water. Finally only a marshy plain remained.

Centuries later the inhabitants of Bandung plain still know about the legend of the existence of a former lake. Not knowing anything about geology, but living in the taboos of spirit ghosts and Gods, geological facts were put together in a tale that was understandable.

4. Exercises

a. I talked to the woman . She was sitting next to me.

I talked to the woman who was sitting next to me.

b. I have a class it begins at 8.00 AM.

I have a class which begins at 8.00 AM.

c. The man called the Police. His car was stolen

The man whose car was stolen called the Police.

d. The building is very old. He lives there

The Building where he lives is very old.

e. The woman was Mrs. Silvy. I saw her.

The woman whom i saw was Mrs.Silvy.


Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Tugas 2: Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2, Active and Passive Sentence Or Voice

1. Active Voice/Sentence  
   A sentence active ( active volce ) is a sentence where subject-nya do the job . Active volce often used in daily activities .
For Example :

a. He meets them everyday.

b.  She waters this plant every two days.

c. He will meet them tomorrow.

d. He will have met them before I get there tomorrow.

e. Ayumni eats Gurame

2. Passive Voice/ Sentence

Passive sentences ( the passive volce ) where subjeknya charged is a work by an object pekerjaan.passive volce papers , is often used in articles in magazines , and the writings of science . 

For Example :

a. They are met By  Him everyday.

b. This plant is watered By Her every two days.

c. They will be met By Him tomorrow.

d. They will have been met By Him before I get there tomorrow.

e. Gurame is eaten By Ayumni

Source :

Article Search Passive Voice:


   Rhea, wife of Cronus and mother of Zeus and the gods of Olympus others, described as the earth and is regarded as the mother of the Great and producers from around the endless natural herbs. He is also in charge of the creation of animals, especially lions, king of the beasts. Rhea, in general portrayed in memory of a crown of small towers that tall and sits on the throne with a lion crouching at his feet. Sometimes he is depicted sitting in a chariot drawn by lions.

    The main place of worship of Rhea, who has always had a very wild, was in Crete. At the time of the festival which took place at night, the strains of music that is not uniformly from flutes, cymbals, and drum sounds, while the shouts and cries of joy and dances accompanied by a loud pounding feet filled the air.

   Goddess was introduced into Crete by the inhabitants of Phrygia in Asia Minor, the State where Rhea was worshiped by the name of Cybele. The people of Crete worshiped as the Great Mother, Rhea's role as a crutch because vegetable world. When winter comes, all the glory gone, the flowers fade, and the leafless trees, the population of Crete is a love. Rhea told captivated by the young people who have extraordinary good looks named Atys, who have proved to be loyal to Rhea and the resulting sad and anger. At the time of Atys will unite ourselves with a fairy named line of, anger Rhea suddenly exploded in the middle of the wedding. Guests who attended the panic and suffering from temporary insanity Atys fled to the mountains and destroy itself. Cybele with sadness and regret hold an annual mourning ceremony. Priests, Corybantes, accompanied by their noise, and together they walked to the mountains to search for lost youth. When he finally found a massive Atys, they wreak his joy with a wild hand gestures, dancing, shouting, and at the same time hurt themselves with that horrible way. 

Source :

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Tugas 1: Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 : Subject-Verb Agreement

Definition : ( rule ) the provisions of the most important in english is that between the verb must be in agreement with than yourself . It means , if subject-nya singular then verb-nya should also singular . On the contrary , if subject-nya plural then verb-nya should also plural .

Singular subject – singular verb
What is meant by pronoun he is singular than yourself than yourself , she , and it , nouns or which can be replaced by he , she or it ; what is meant by the singular verbs is verb1 + ice / 's , is / was , and verb phrase as : / / is was + verb-ing verb3 , has + verb3 , has been verb-ing and has been verb3 .

Plural subject – plural verb
What is meant by plural than yourself than yourself is pronouns as i , we , you , they , and all the plural nouns . Meanwhile which meant by plural verb phrase and verbs verbs is singular in addition to verbs .

for example:

1. she is going to party a tonight
2. Mr. ledi is Arriving tonight
3. she is a volleyball player
4. Each of the boys is taking his own lunch
5. Some of the beads are missing
6. Some of the waters are gone
7. None of the Students have done their homework
8. Some of the voters are still angry
9. Two-fifths of the troops were lost in the battle
10. A large percentage of the older population is voting against her.


Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

Various Floors and Rooms Campus

Gunadarma II floor, on the second floor of this room there are many different kinds of them there is room "Sekjur", charging KRS, PI registration room, staff and IT LAB, do not forget there is also room floor enrollment courses and workshops, as well as classrooms. There is room on the third floor of the library for a love reading or looking for a reference, and there is room LAB Basic Electronics, SISDIG, Embedded / Interface as well as classrooms, prayer room, and toilet.
       IV floor there is also a class room, Toilet, Floor V contained classroom, a mosque, LAB SI, and VI contained classroom floor, there is also room for seminars, toilet. This information campus every room and floor, may be useful. Oya campus also has Wifi .. which can only be accessed by the student or the student is enrolled as a student campus.

Fill Peel Campus Part II (Level I)

   After discussing the campus j1, in this post will discuss the first floor J1 Gunadarma campus, first floor there is room "Sekdos" west side, there is a mosque next to the side of Lecturers and Lecturers Toilet. The middle section for a break take it easy after attending so-called lobby, in the middle also has Elevator, the right side of the manual there is a ladder to ascend to the next floor. This one floor there Elounge which can be used free of charge by the student or the student Gunadarma to surf. And there is also the floor of the Bank for payment form, classrooms, and student enrollment space or a new student comes in, and toilet.

Contents Part I the Peel Campus

    In this post, will discuss the contents of the campus Gunadarma J1, J1 Campus located street Ali Noer, Kalimalang. J1 to the campus is quite easy for those who used to ride public transportation could use public transportation red Mikrolet 02 and 26. J1 campus is its front page contained a wonderful Dolphin pool. Which dolphin pool was used as a place to relax during breaks in college, and could be a fun event, which again calls for a birthday can be thrown in the pool Dolphin for fun only. With decorated trees make a cool campus, around the campus there is a shop, shop, cafeteria, market swalayan, as well as residential complexes, section pages around the campus there is a basketball court that could be used as a motorcycle and a car park which is maintained by a local security guard. Not secure enough? oya, the campus is also available in the ATM machine. J1-campus consists of six floors, each floor has a particular room or important. All that we will post the language of the Peel Campus of Contents Part II.

Making the Experience of Motive

        More recently, Alhamdulilah get a new experience, rather to participate in the EO. Committees are very nice especially to help people feel very relieved heart, true sincerity bring happiness hearts. This coincided EO on diSenayan City, before the first teaching in Selipi, as for how to access the road to Selipi, West Jakarta via toll could rise Patas AC 27 down diselipi victorious. To go to Senayan City could rise toward 05 Patas AC Block M.
     The first beginning to the committee, too tense, this early experience also joined the organization that helps thousands of people looking for work. The first day or two for the show lasted for two days on February 15 to 16 Lining up quite a lot, first impressions cape for sure, after the show ends so open up my mind ohh so it turned out later the world of work, and if there is EO longer want to participate again, but the knowledge gained, can communicate and socialize with others, and get friends, discipline is required and the sincerity and responsibility necessary. Make your day worthwhile and positive experience for sure.

Initial impression not try Get A Job

    Exactly on this day Friday, I survey psychological point of invitation for the job, its location in North Jakarta, was initially confused and anxious as well, I do not really know the area of ​​Jakarta, because it wanted to try to resolve psychological tests are held next Saturday on February 25, 2012, I finally direct to survey the location for the psychological test tomorrow. Initially find out information on friends, and today is still a desire to survey, I immediately headed West Toll Bekasi. The distance is quite close to my "kostan Perum Two", once on the highway west again I ask the same people who were in the bus stop. Precisely there are fathers who either want to love to know the direction of transport Sunter 2 is exactly what I wanted to go. The father said "You go up to Cililitan near Patas 9BA UKI, then you rise again to Priok Cililitan 43 Patas" was originally thought not to believe, his name also recently wrote a lie can know, without the supposedly was going in the direction of Mr. Cililitan also finally taken up Patas 9BA was right after I got there again Cililitan direction Priok Patas 43, father of the good as well and I could not lie on the same charges that the father of the highway west to Cililitan Rp.3.500. After that his father said again "you'll wade right up Patas 43" while his father to the busway Cililitan. Okay sir thank you very much sir information, I said to my father that I had not asked his name.

After that I finally climbed Patas also 43, on the bus were initially wary of the bus was already well imagine such untreated, where the reckless driver, on the bus I had also asked the mothers "are correct at the direction of Mrs. Sunter majors 2 ", she replied" yes ". Thank God no one turned up, keep going do not forget the time I tell the driver, "Father help me later on down the Sunter 2," Driver said "yes". See also Regional Sunter Thank God for the two test sites Psychotest tomorrow. Distance of the location where I want to test Sunter Two of the roadway about 450 feet, into such housing. Patas 40 could also be due to back me up Patas 40 Rp.4.500 cost, while the Patas from Cililitan to Sunter 2-way Priok Rp.2000 So my story and my experience!

Failure to whip Motivation

     February 25, 2012 sound the alarm to sound on this morning, promptly at 4:30 awoke from sleep, the mind is only focused on the test today in Sunter 2 Tafilance. Without wasting any more time directly forced to wake up even if the eyes are still heavy. Further shower immediately after the morning prayers, and then directly west toward Tol Jakarta. Weather is still in the dark at around 5:00 pm up to the Patas Sunter 2. After traveling a distance of approximately one hour finally arrived at that location. While waiting for the test started at 08.30 and met the same friends who both took a test.
        Promptly at 8:30 Psychotest was begun, initially excited before because divided, waiting for instructions from a shared problem, until the test began. Woooooow is tolerable because ... tense while also working as time went on, each test has a timer respectively. To finish at 11:30 pm recess, and at exactly 12:30 pm announcement that pass the psychological test results, are also excited to find you eventually see the announcement of my name was not included: (a little sad, but that's what matters already looking for first-time experiences outside work, and still keep the spirit to complete the final semester of lecture on 27 feb 2012 tomorrow, just waiting for the SK fell to a thesis. Everything is set up as Allah SWT whatever happens it's the best :). This story grew longer and longer experience. For my friends who knew the time had come safely test all three of you go to fight again there may be a second test and interview session.

Kidney Dangers Drinking While Standing

       Do you know if the effects of drinking while standing is causing the negativity in the kidneys? drinking while standing is commonplace to do, any small thing that we often do we have to find out info info is there, as they may be activities that we often do it any negative impacts than positive ones.
         Drinking water while standing turns on when we did, the water that goes into our organs are not filtered, and directly to the bladder channel, this is the case of deposition channels ureter. With the abundance of precipitation in the channel so that the ureter ureter was affected kidney disease is one of the crystals of kidney disease caused by difficult urination. Compare if you drink while sitting, the water taken into the body was first screened, screening is called sfringer. Sfringer is a muscular channel that can open and close of the bladder channel, this does not happen because there are filters diureter hoarding.

Source : 

Alert, Food and Beverage Heat Blown Over

       Other than the habit of drinking while standing up, which blew the food and drinks are still hot. As previous articles have been submitted that careful and find information about the activities that we often do both negative and positive impacts.
      Blowing food and hot drinks are still in a state has an element of CO2  in the mouth. The resulting chemical reaction between water vapor and carbon dioxide to form carbonate compounds have acidic properties.

CO2 + H2O => H2CO3 (H2O is water and CO2 is carbon dioxide produce H2CO3 (Carbonic Acid)).

       There is blood in the H2CO3, H2CO3 controls the pH or acidity level in the bloodstream, the blood itself as a buffer of acidity (pH) weak acid H2CO3 and HCO3-conjugate bases, in other words have the blood pH from 7.35 to 7.45.

The resulting reaction CO2 + H20 + HCO3-+ H

        Foods that will produce water vapor blown in the form of carbonic acid has the effect of the acidity of the blood, the blood becomes acid added and the pH in the blood falls, this is called acidosis. With decreasing pH in the blood breathing becomes deeper and faster, this is to reduce excess acid in the blood by lowering CO2. With this effect the kidneys try to compensate for spending a lot of acid in the urine tract.

       both of the above will be wasted if the acid in the body continues to increase, resulting in severe acidosis. With acidosis will worsen the symptoms of extreme fatigue, nausea, dizziness and can cause confusion. this can be fatal coma, shock, or will cause death.

So be patient in eating the food and drinks, try to reduce or not to blow in the food or drink during the heat because there is the influence of the chemical compounds mentioned above.

Source :

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Waspada, Makanan dan Minuman Panas Sambil Ditiup

     Kebiasaan lain selain minum sambil berdiri, yaitu meniup makanan dan minuman yang masih panas. Seperti artikel sebelumnya telah disampaikan bahwa berhati-hati dan cari info tentang aktivitas yang sering kita lakukan baik itu dampak negatif dan positif.
     Meniup makanan dan minuman masih dalam keadaan panas memiliki unsur gas CO2 didalam mulut. Reaksi kimia yang dihasilkan antara uap air dan karbondioksida membentuk senyawa karbonat memiliki sifat asam.

H2O+CO2=>H2CO3 (H2O merupakan air dan CO2 merupakan karbon dioksida menghasilkan H2CO3 (Carbonic Acid)).

      Didalam darah terdapat H2CO3, H2CO3 berfungsi mengatur pH atau tingkat keasaman dalam saluran darah, darah sendiri sebagai penyangga dari keasaman(pH) asam lemahnya H2CO3 dan basa konjugasi HCO3-, dengan kata lain pH darah memiliki 7,35-7,45.

Reaksi  yang dihasilkan  CO2+ H20 HCO3- + H+

       Makanan yang ditiup akan menghasilkan uap air berupa asam karbonat memiliki pengaruh dalam keasaman darah, darah menjadi tambah asam dan pH dalam darah turun, hal ini disebut dengan asidosis. Dengan menurunnya pH dalam darah pernapasan menjadi lebih dalam dan lebih cepat, hal ini untuk menurunkan kelebihan asam dalam darah dengan cara menurunkan CO2. Dengan pengaruh ini maka ginjal berusaha untuk kompensasi mengeluarkan banyak asam dalam saluran air kemih.

      kedua hal tersebut di atas akan terbuang percuma jika asam dalam tubuh terus meningkat, sehingga terjadi asidosis berat. Dengan asidosis semakin memburuk maka akan mengalami gejala kelelahan yang berlebihan, mual, pusing dan bisa menyebabkan kebingungan. hal ini berakibat fatal bisa koma, syok atau akan menyebabkan kematian.

Maka bersabarlah dalam menyantap makanan dan minuman, usahakan untuk mengurangi atau tidak melakukan tiup makanan atau minuman pada saat panas karena ada pengaruh senyawa kimia tersebut di atas.

Sumber :

Ginjal Bahaya Minum Saat Berdiri

      Tahukah Anda jika dampak minum saat berdiri itu menyebabkan hal negatif pada ginjal? kebiasaan minum saat berdiri sudah lumrah dilakukan, hal sekecil apapun yang sering kita lakukan mesti kita cari tahu info-info yang ada, karena mungkin saja aktivitas yang sering kita lakukan itu ada dampak negatifnya selain positifnya. 
        Minum air putih saat berdiri ternyata pada saat kita melakukanya, air yang masuk ke dalam organ tubuh kita tidak disaring, dan langsung menuju saluran kantung kemih, hal ini terjadi pengendapan saluran ureter. Dengan banyaknya pengendapan didalam saluran ureter tadi sehingga ureter berdampak penyakit kristal ginjal merupakan salah satu penyakit ginjal yang diakibatkan susah kencing. Bandingkan jika minum sambil duduk, maka air putih yang masuk kedalam tubuh tadi disaring terlebih dahulu, penyaringan tersebut dinamakan sfringer. Sfringer merupakan saluran berotot yang bisa membuka dan menutup dari saluran kantung kemih, hal ini tidak terjadi penimbunan diureter karena ada penyaring.

Sumber :        

Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

Kegagalan menjadi Cambuk Motivasi

    25 Feb 2012 Teng-teng suara bunyi alarm terdengar pada tadi pagi, tepat pukul 04.30 tersentak bangun dari tidur, pikiran hanya tertuju pada tes hari ini di Sunter 2 Tafilance. Tanpa membuang waktu lagi langsung paksain bangun walaupun mata masih berat. Selanjutnya langsung mandi, setelah itu sholat subuh, dan kemudian langsung menuju Tol barat Bekasi. Cuaca masih dalam keadaan gelap sekitar pukul 05.00 wib naik patas menuju ke Sunter 2. Setelah menenempuh jarak kurang lebih satu jam akhirnya sampai juga lokasi yang dituju. Sambil menunggu tes dimulai pukul 08.30 dan berkenalan sama teman yang sama-sama ikut tes.
       Tepat pukul 08.30 Psikotes pun dimulai, awalnya deg-degan sebelum soalnya dibagi, sambil menunggu instruksi dari yang membagikan soal, hingga tes pun dimulai. Woooooow soalnya lumayan lah ... sambil tegang juga ngerjainnya karena waktu terus berjalan, masing-masing tes mempunyai timer masing-masing. Hingga selesai pada pukul 11.30 wib istirahat, dan tepat pada pukul 12.30 wib pengumuman hasil psikotes yang lulus, deg-degan juga jreng-jeng jeng akhirnya lihat pengumuman mencari nama gue ehem ternyata ga masuk :( sedih dikit, tapi ga apa-apa yang penting udah pengalaman pertama kali cari kerja diluar, dan sekarang masih tetap semangat untuk menyelesaikan kuliah semester akhir pada tanggal 27 feb 2012 besok, tinggal menunggu SK turun untuk bagi yang dapat skripsi. Semuanya sudah diatur sama Allah SWT apa pun yang terjadi itu yang terbaik :). Ini ceritaku lagi dan pengalamanku bertambah lagi. Untuk teman gue yang kenal pas ikut tes tadi selamat ya kalian bertiga masuk ehhehe berjuang lagi mungkin ada tes session kedua dan interview.

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Kesan Awal Iseng Cari Kerja

      Tepat pada hari ini Jumat, Gue survey tempat undangan psikotes buat kerjaan, lokasinya Jakarta Utara, awalnya bingung dan galau juga, gue kan belum terlalu tahu daerah Jakarta, karena tekat ingin ikut coba tes psikotes yang diadakan besok Sabtu tanggal 25 Feb 2012, akhirnya gue nekat hari ini untuk survey tempat lokasi buat psikotes besok. Awalnya cari informasi tahu keteman-teman, dan hari ini tekat udah bulat untuk survey, gue langsung menuju Tol Barat Bekasi. Jaraknya lumayan dekat dari Kostan gue di Perum Dua, sesampainya di Tol barat gue nanya lagi sama orang-orang yang berada di Halte. Tepatnya ada bapak-bapak yang baik mau mengasih tahu transportasi ke arah Sunter 2 tepatnya yang ingin gue tuju. Bapak tersebut mengatakan " Kamu naik patas 9BA ke Cililitan dekat UKI, setelah itu kamu naik lagi patas 43 Cililitan ke Priok" awalnya dalam hati ga percaya, namanya juga baru kenal bisa aja boong, eh ga tahunya bapak tersebut mau ke arah Cililitan juga akhirnya diajaklah naik patas 9ba ternyata setelah sampai di Cililitan betul ada lagi patas 43 arah priok, oh ya bapak tersebut baik juga dan tidak berbohong sempat saya di ongkosin sama tu bapak dari tol barat ke cililitan Rp.3.500. Setelah itu bapaknya bilang lagi " kamu nyeberang nanti langsung naik patas 43" sambil bapaknya menuju busway Cililitan. Oke pak terima kasih banyak pak informasi, ujar gue kepada bapak tersebut yang ga gue tanya namanya. 

        Setelah itu akhirnya gue naik juga Patas 43, di dalam bus tersebut awalnya was-was juga bayangkan busnya udah seperti tidak terawat, mana sopirnya ugal-ugalan, di dalam bus juga sempat gue bertanya kepada ibu-ibu "bu ini betul yang arah jurusan Sunter 2" ujar ibunya "iya dek". Alhamdulilah ternyata ga salah naik, waktu terus berjalan tidak lupa gue beri tahu ke keneknya, "mas nanti tolong turunin ke Sunter 2 ya mas", ujar masnya "iya". Alhamdulilah ketemu juga Daerah Sunter Dua buat lokasi tes Psikotes besok. Jarak lokasi tempat gue mau tes Sunter Dua ke jalan Rayanya sekitar 450 meter, masuk seperti perumahan gitu. oya patas 40 juga bisa karena pulangnya gue naik patas 40 ongkos Rp.4.500, sedangkan patas dari Cililitan ke Sunter 2 arah priok Rp.2000 Demikian ceritaku dan pengalamanku !!

Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Pengalaman Menjadikan Motifasi

  Baru-baru ini, Alhamdulilah mendapat pengalaman baru, tepatnya bisa berpartisipasi dalam EO. Menjadi panitia sangat menyenangkan apalagi membantu orang sangat plong rasa hati, ya betul ikhlas membawa kebahagian hati. EO ini bertepat pada diSenayan City, sebelumnya dibrifing terlebih dahulu diSelipi, adapun cara mengakses jalan ke selipi, lewat tolbarat Bekasi bisa naik patas ac 27 turun diselipi jaya. Untuk ke Senayan City bisa naik Patas Ac 05 arah Blok M. 
    Awal pertama menjadi panitia, tegang juga, ini juga pengalaman awal ikut organisasi yang membantu beribu orang mencari pekerjaan. Hari pertama maupun kedua karena acaranya berlangsung selama dua hari pada tanggal 15-16 Feb. Yang antri cukup banyak, kesan pertama cape pastinya, setelah acaranya berkahir jadi membuka kan pikiran saya ohh begini ternyata nanti dunia kerja, dan kalau ada EO lagi pengen ikut berpartisipasi lagi, selain pengetahuan yang didapat, dapat berkomunikasi serta bersosialisasi dengan orang lain, serta mendapatkan teman, disiplin diperlukan dan yang perlu keikhlasan dan tanggung jawab. Jadikan harimu bermanfaat dan pengalaman yang positif pastinya.

Berbagai Lantai dan Ruangan Kampus

    Lantai II Gunadarma, pada lantai II ini terdapat berbagai macam ruangan diantaranya ada ruang Sekjur, pengisian KRS, pendaftaran PI, ruang Staff dan LAB TI, jangan lupa dilantai ini juga terdapat ruangan pendaftaran kursus maupun workshop, serta ruang kelas. Pada lantai III terdapat ruangan perpustakaan untuk yang suka membaca atau mencari referensi, serta terdapat ruangan LAB Dasar Elektronika, SISDIG, Embedded/Interface serta ruang kelas, musholla, dan toilet.
      Lantai IV juga terdapat ruangan kelas, Toilet, Lantai V terdapar ruangan kelas, Musholla, LAB SI, dan Lantai VI terdapat ruangan kelas, juga terdapat ruangan untuk seminar, toilet.  Demikian informasi kampus setiap ruangan dan lantainya, semoga bermanfaat. Oya dikampus juga terdapat Wifi lo.. yang bisa hanya diakses oleh mahasiswa/i yang terdaftar sebagai student dikampus.

Mengupas Isi Kampus Part II (Lantai I)

Setelah membahas halaman kampus j1, pada postingan ini akan membahas lantai satu dikampus J1 Gunadarma, lantai satu terdapat ruangan Sekdos disebelah barat, disisi sampingnya terdapat Mushola Dosen dan Toilet Dosen. Bagian tengah buat istirahat santai-santai setelah mengikuti perkuliahan biasa disebut lobi, dibagian tengah juga terdapat Lift, sisi kanan kiri terdapat tangga manual untuk naik ke lantai selanjutnya. Dilantai satu ini terdapat Elounge yang mana bisa dimanfaatkan gratis oleh mahasiswa/i Gundarma untuk berinternetan. Serta dilantai satu ini juga terdapa Bank untuk blanko pembayaran, ruang kelas, dan ruang pendaftaran mahasiswa/i yang baru masuk, serta toilet.

Mengupas Isi Kampus Part I

Pada postingan ini, akan membahas isi kampus J1 Gunadarma, Kampus J1 terletak dijalan Noer Ali, Kalimalang. Untuk ke kampus J1 cukup gampang bagi yang terbiasa naik angkot bisa menggunakan angkot warna merah 02 dan Mikrolet 26. Kampus J1 ini depan halaman nya terdapat kolam Dolphin yang indah. Yang mana kolam dolphin ini dijadikan tempat bersantai pada saat istirahat perkuliahaan, dan bisa dijadikan ajang seru-seruan bagi yang lagi ulang tahun bisa diceburin dikolam Dolphin buat seru-seruan aja. Dengan dihiasi pohon-pohon menjadikan kampus sejuk, disekeliling kampus terdapat ruko-ruko, kantin, minimarket, maupun perumahan kompleks, dibagian halaman sekeliling dalam kampus terdapat lapangan basket yang bisa dijadikan tempat parkir motor maupun mobil yang dijaga oleh Satpam setempat. Cukup aman bukan? oya, didalam halaman kampus tersedia juga mesin ATM. Kampus J1 terdiri-dari enam lantai, yang masing-masing lantai mempunyai ruangan tertentu atau penting. Semua itu akan kita bahasa pada postingan Mengupas Isi Kampus Part II.

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

Penalaran Akal Menembus Hati

Ketika saya lagi dengar ceramah khotbah Jumat kemarin, Khotib menyampaikan dunia ini sudah rapuh banyak sekali tanda-tanda kiamat yang sudah tampak, seperti yang disampaikan oleh khotib Jumat

1. Dengan adanya perkembangan Industri
Semakin banyak alat-alat yang diciptakan dalam perindustrian, mesin sudah bisa seperti layaknya manusia.

2. Dari segi informasi
Informasi pada saat sekarang sangat cepat, lewat media internet dan lain sebagainya.

3. Plasma Nutfah (Clonning)
"Seperti yang saya dengar pada saat Khotib menyampaikan Khotbah, di India sudah terjadi penemuan mengatasi gagal ginjal dengan cara clonning, seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa jika terjadi gagal ginjal maka diperlukan dengan adanya cuci darah secara rutinitas, namun di India para peneliti menemukan cara lain yaitu Clonning atau perpaduan antara sel sperma dan sel telur dan jika sperma dan telur bertemu menghasilkan embrio dan apabila itu disimpan didalam rahim atau tabung bisa menjadikan cikal bakal bayi. Apabila sel sperma dan sel telur tersebut tidak berada pada rahim dan tabung, maka embrio tersebut akan dibekukan itu akan dijadikan sebuah tunas untuk suntikan bagi penderita gagal ginjal, sungguh ironis bukan ????? "

Nauzzubillah, selain itu contoh sederhananya seperti clonning antara kelinci dan tikus akan terlihat seperti marmut kecil, atau nanti antara babi dan kambing bagaimana hukumnya, itu semua dilarang agama, semoga kita terjauh dari sifat tersebut. Dan semoga kita selalu ingat akan akhir zaman.

Dengan bekal IPTEK dan IMTAQ insya Allah kita dilindungi Allah s.w.t ^_^
