
Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

Various Floors and Rooms Campus

Gunadarma II floor, on the second floor of this room there are many different kinds of them there is room "Sekjur", charging KRS, PI registration room, staff and IT LAB, do not forget there is also room floor enrollment courses and workshops, as well as classrooms. There is room on the third floor of the library for a love reading or looking for a reference, and there is room LAB Basic Electronics, SISDIG, Embedded / Interface as well as classrooms, prayer room, and toilet.
       IV floor there is also a class room, Toilet, Floor V contained classroom, a mosque, LAB SI, and VI contained classroom floor, there is also room for seminars, toilet. This information campus every room and floor, may be useful. Oya campus also has Wifi .. which can only be accessed by the student or the student is enrolled as a student campus.

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